Women who work in, with and for the woods.
About wIw
Women in Wood (WIW) was created to bring together passionate women from across Canada and around the world to share their love for the woods. Whether you work in the woods, with wood, or for the woods, WIW provides a networking opportunity to help you find mentors, seek career advice, or meet other passionate women.
1. Build a community of women who work with, in and for the woods.
2. Encourage women to pursue careers in the forest, wood and related sectors.
3. Help Women in Wood succeed in their career goals by collaborating for success, sharing information, improving skills, and navigating the workplace.
Join us!
Join the conversation on our social pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn).
Share your experiences and spread the word #womeninwood.
Organize a Women in Wood social event in your area. Meet for breakfast, plan a camping trip, climb a tree! We can help by promoting your event - and don't forget to share photos and details to inspire others.
Write a blog post to share your experiences, challenges and advice.
Consider becoming a mentor to help guide younger generations through their careers.
Interested in being a sponsor? Contact us for opportunities.
About US
Lacey is a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) with a focus in forest management planning and operational forestry. She lives in Renfrew County, Ontario and enjoys being in the woods as much as possible, at work and at play. Lacey's experiences have ranged from urban tree care in Denver, CO, to silviculture surveys and tree plants in northern Ontario, to forest management planning at a strategic and operational level in Central Ontario. She has a huge appreciation for the history and resilience of the forest industry in the Ottawa Valley, and is constantly impressed by the care and pride with which the area's forests are managed. Sharing those stories is her favourite part of her job.
Jessica is a forest enthusiast who's passion for the forest sector is a result of first hand experiences and interactions with those in the industry. She lives in downtown Toronto, and when she is not zipping around on her bike she is hiking, at the cottage or hanging out with her family. Jess' experiences have ranged from tree planting to chain of custody auditing, organizing large forestry conferences to bringing youth out into the bush, to her current focus on education and awareness. She thrives on hearing about other people's experiences, and providing opportunities for the public to build their own opinion by hearing all perspectives.